科罗拉多州的ACLU是一个无党派组织, 以保护为使命的非营利组织, 捍卫, 扩大科罗拉多州所有人的公民权利和公民自由. 作为科罗拉多州历史最悠久,规模最大的民权组织, 其工作以《利记sbobet》为指导, 确保边缘化社区的成员能够享有其中所包含的自由, 包括有色人种, ”+人, 女性, 移民, 贫困人口, 无家可归者的人, 被监禁的人, 和学生. ACLU of Colorado relies exclusively on generous donations from supporters to continue this important work. 该组织最初只有两名员工, 一名执行董事和一名兼职文书助理, 并已成为一个拥有二十多名员工的团队, a $5.五百万的预算,还有很多忠诚的志愿者. ACLU of Colorado believes—and works to ground all fundraising efforts—in racial equity and social justice. 

ACLU of Colorado focuses on achieving transformational and systemic change that protects and expands civil rights and civil liberties by addressing the root causes of injustice. 为了实现这一目标, 科罗拉多州的sbobet篮球正在继续其组织范围内的过渡到综合宣传. 这种方法有三个主要方面:(1)赢得多年, issue-based integrated advocacy campaigns focused in core issue areas and that are powered by ACLU of Colorado's members and volunteers; (2) joining and building powerful coalitions and networks; and (3) educating and empowering the next generation of civil rights and civil liberties champions. The organization’s multi-disciplinary teams working as a unit on these core issue area campaigns include policy experts, 活动人士, 组织者, 数据分析师, 诉讼律师, 通信专家, 发展专业人士. 这些综合团队结合了政策倡导, 组织, 公共教育, 诉讼, 选举参与, 沟通策略, and donor eng年龄ment as part of a cohesive plan to achieve audacious goals in partnership with local communities whose civil rights and liberties are under threat or that have never been fully realized. 


科罗拉多州的ACLU是一个提供公平机会的雇主. 它认为有一个董事会, 工作人员, and volunteer base with diverse personal and professional backgrounds enhances its 能力 to meet its mission and creates an environment where all community members can thrive. 它强烈鼓励所有合格人士提出申请, 包括有色人种, 移民, 女性, 残疾人士, LGBTQ+社区的成员, 那些曾经被监禁的人, 以及其他未被充分代表和边缘化群体的成员. 科罗拉多州的ACLU不歧视种族、肤色、宗教、性别, 

性取向, 性别认同或表达, 年龄, 国家的起源, 婚姻状况, 公民身份, 残疾, 资深地位, 被捕或定罪记录, 或受州或联邦规定保护的任何其他基础. It is committed to providing a providing a work environment that practices equitable and inclusive treatment and is quick to act to prevent and address harassment or discrimination of any kind. 


The 慈善总监 will lead initiatives that increase ACLU of Colorado’s revenue stream in support of the significant expansion of its influence and impact over the next five to ten years. Building on existing donor relationships and a robust major donor prospect pool and partnering with the sbobet篮球的国家 office on key leadership gift strategies, the 慈善总监 will have a significant opportunity to increase investments in ACLU of Colorado and to play a major role in an organization that continues to make a real difference in people’s lives every day. 

慈善总监将提供远见卓识, strategic leadership that builds and strengthens lifelong relationships between donors and the organization, toward a goal of generating transformational gifts to support ACLU of Colorado’s current and future strategic goals. The 慈善总监 will develop and 监督 the program to raise funds for the affiliate, including identifying prospects that have both capacity and demonstrated interest in investing in ACLU to generate longstanding, 实实在在的胜利. 与执行主任密切合作, 领导团队, sbobet篮球的国家, 工作人员, 和董事会, 慈善总监将会计划, 监督, 并执行组织的筹款计划, 特别强调领导及巨额捐献计划, 重点关注有能力捐赠10美元的捐赠者,000元或以上. 

慈善总监向执行总监汇报工作, 黛博拉·理查森, 并在领导团队任职. The 慈善总监 will supervise the Emerging Philanthropy Officer and Development Coordinator, 以及偶尔的志愿者和实习生. 


• Develop and execute a comprehensive donor-centered fundraising program that includes specific fundraising goals and targets, 重点是获得领导天赋(10美元),000+每年)来自高级别潜在客户和捐助者; 


•确定并制定扩张战略, 招募, 保留, 并可量化地扩大自认为是黑人的各级捐助者的基础, 土著人或有色人种; 

• Participate actively in decisions made to further the strategic goals set forth by the organization, 


•确保与有能力赚取5 -的巨额捐献前景者会面, 给组织六位数或以上的礼物; 

• Man年龄 a significant portfolio of major gift donors including cultivation and direct solicitation; 

• Support the development efforts of other key primary relationship man年龄rs assigned to donors, 包括执行董事, 领导团队的其他成员, 职员及董事会成员, including conducting prospect research and preparing briefing 材料 in advance of donor meetings; 

•与新兴慈善官员和发展协调员, 参与全年捐赠人及巨额捐献前景的策略性管理; 


• Make effective use of national ACLU development 工作人员, research tools, and other resources; 

• Work with the Deputy Director to develop and implement a comprehensive annual grant man年龄ment program; 


• Develop and man年龄 formal programs to strengthen relationships with the ACLU’s contributors; 

•与传讯部和其他部门密切合作,开发信息, 材料, 并解释了科罗拉多州ACLU在战略捐助者沟通中使用的工作; 

•与发展协调员, 组织和监督筹款活动, 包括一年一度的筹款晚宴,吸引了大约300名支持者, 包括邀请律师事务所和公司保荐人; 

•与发展协调员, 管理有效的数据录入和捐赠记录系统, 捐赠的识别, 筹资报告; 

• Prepare regular fundraising and department activity reports for the ACLU of Colorado 董事会 and 领导团队, 并应执行董事的要求出席董事会会议; 


• Maintain familiarity with ACLU’s programs and positions and represent ACLU of Colorado in public gatherings as needed; 



•对科罗拉多州sbobet篮球使命的承诺——保护, 捍卫, 并通过诉讼扩大科罗拉多州所有人的公民权利和公民自由, 教育, 和宣传; 

•有招揽经验, 关闭, 管理来自不同捐助者的具有重大机构影响的捐赠; 

• Experience developing long-term cultivation and solicitation strategies for high-level prospects and donors; 


• A commitment to diversity and a personal approach that values the individual and respects differences of race, 种族, 年龄, 性别, 性别认同, 性取向, 宗教, 能力, and socio-economic circumstance including an 能力 to work with diverse individuals within the organization and broader community; 


•有效沟通的能力, 舒适, 并恭敬地对待捐赠者, 工作人员, 和世俗领袖, as demonstrated by the 能力 to synthesize and present complex themes and activities in a digestible and compelling way, 无论是在谈话中还是在印刷品中; 


•经验和舒适的捐助者数据库管理和系统跟踪捐助者的历史, 利益, 和活动; 


能够快速适应不断变化的组织优先级和截止日期, 灵活性, and a willingness to take on new tasks as the responsibilities of the position evolve; and 

•自信、专业的工作风格和独立工作的能力, 锻炼良好的判断力, 以优雅和成熟的态度处理紧张的情况. 

至少7年管理综合设施的经验, 非营利性发展项目,包括在主要捐助者筹款方面的重要经验, 计划给, 事件管理, 这个职位还需要写助学金. 学士学位或同等学历及工作经验优先. 与科罗拉多州的慈善社区经验丰富的个人可能会优先考虑. 


这个职位的年薪范围是11万到13万美元. 科罗拉多州sbobet篮球提供全面的福利,包括医疗和牙科保险, 人寿及长期伤残保险, 401 k的贡献, 带薪假期, 和节假日. 


The 慈善总监 may work from any location within the State of Colorado with regular access to Denver. 


发一封求职信, 的简历, 以及一封主题为“慈善总监”的电子邮件中的参考资料 (电子邮件保护). 请不要打电话. Cover letters should be responsive to the mission of ACLU of Colorado as well as the responsibilities and qualifications presented in the prospectus. Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the successful candidate has been selected.